News list for " gaevoy"

Wintermute founder: The market will recover in August and September

Evgeny Gaevoy, founder and chief executive of Wintermute, wrote in an X: "Hold on, this is just a seasonal summer phenomenon. The market will recover in August and September, before the US election."

2024-07-04 23:06:11

Wintermute创始人兼首席执行官Evgeny Gaevoy于X发文表示:“稳住,现在的行情只是夏季的季节性现象。市场将在八、九月份,美国大选之前复苏。”

2024-07-04 23:06:11
Wintermute founder: SOL ETF is difficult to approve this year

Evgeny Gaevoy, founder and CEO of Wintermute, said on the X platform that the chances of the SOL ETF being approved this year are almost nil (wishful thinking that this will become a priority for the Trump administration is rather foolish). Wintermute is a long-time supporter of SOL and ETH, but it should not be overhyped. Just be realistic. Adoption of cryptocurrencies takes time. Once you really see the inflow of funds into the ETH ETF, you will understand that even if the SOL ETF is approved,...

2024-06-28 02:06:16
Wintermute创始人:SOL ETF今年很难获批

Wintermute创始人兼首席执行官Evgeny Gaevoy在X平台表示,SOL ETF今年获得批准的可能性几乎为零(一厢情愿地认为这会成为特朗普政府的优先事项是相当愚蠢的),Wintermute是SOL和ETH的长期支持者,但不应该过分吹嘘,实事求是就好,加密货币的采用是需要时间的。一旦你真正看到了ETH ETF的资金流入情况,你就会明白,即使SOL ETF获批,流入的资金也会更少。 此前消息,资管机构VanEc...

2024-06-28 02:06:16